Late Coming : Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, habitual late-coming.
Littering : Students found throwing litter in the school premises.
Improper Attire : Students not coming in proper school uniforms.
Improper Appearence : Students found wearing ear studs, hair-clips, wrist bands and any other dress code violation.
Defiance : Students refuse to follow adult direction or class room or school rules, talks back or exhibits socially rude behavior.
Cheating :   Violates rules and regulations.
Forgery :   Signing another person's name
Lying :   Deceiving another by telling an untruth.
Fighting : Students fight with or otherwise intentionally causes injury to another.
Harassment : Students engage in behaviors that threaten, intimidate, demean, embarrass or ridicule a student or staff member. 
Abusive language : Student delivers verbal messages to another person that include swearing, name calling or use of words in an inappropriate way.
Misuse of Electronic Device : Students bringing banned, Electronic gadgets like Cell Phone, Music/ Video players, Camera or Laptops.
Possession of Dangerous Objects  : Students in possession of knives or guns (real or look alike) or other objects readily capable of causing bodily harm.
Property Damage Vandalism : Students engages in behavior that result in destruction or disfigurement of property belonging to student, staff or school.
Theft : Student is in possession of, having passed on or being responsible for removing someone else's property.

Demerit points will be awarded for code of conduct violation

a. Verbal warning 1
b. Confiscation of items related to appearance (non-returnable) 2
c. Confiscation of banned 3 Electronic gadgets (for one term) 3
d. Parents notification
i. By phone
ii. By letter
iii. Meeting principal

e. Counselling 8
f. Suspension (one week) 10

Reach Us

Hutchings High School & Junior College,
7, Phayre Road,
Pune - 411040.
Telephone: 020 - 26352764 / 020 - 26363892

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